First Vets Whanganui


Pet Checkups & Vaccinations

Wellness Checks

Prevention is better than cure! All pets visiting us for vaccinations receive a wellness check but in between times if your pet is on a 3 yearly vaccination regime we recommend annual wellness checks especially in our aging pets.


Geriatric Checks

Your pets needs change as they get older; our aim is to keep your pets enjoying life as long as possible.


We recommend vaccinating your pets against several contagious diseases which can be fatal or debilitating for unvaccinated animals.

Contact us:

Telephone 06 281 3157

Email us

170 Glasgow Street, Whanganui 4500

Clinic hours:

Monday - Friday: 8.00am – 5.30pm

Saturday: 9.00am – 12.30pm

Sunday & Public Holidays Closed

AFTER-HOURS EMERGENCIES: Our After-Hours service is provided by Massey University’s Pet Emergency Centre in Palmerston North during the week, and Totally Vets Accident and Medical Centre in Fielding during the weekends.


WEEKDAYS: Phone 0800 738 363  -  WEEKENDS & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: Phone (06) 324 0812

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170 Glasgow Street, Whanganui

Ph (06) 281 3157