First Vets Whanganui


Pet Emergency Care


Our After-Hours service is provided by Massey University’s Pet Emergency Centre (MUPEC) in Palmerston North during the week, and Totally Vets Accident and Medical Centre in Fielding during the weekends, providing the ultimate in 24-hour care for your beloved pet.

NOTE: This is a change to our after-hours service as of July 2021 – MUPEC have been overwhelmed with a huge case load, so these changes have become necessary


We are aware most clients wish for their pet to be monitored continuously overnight and in the weekends and not just left in hospital with twice-daily check-ups as is standard in general practice where staff are not on site 24/7.

Therefore, we have engaged the ultimate after-hours service where your pet is continually monitored by on-site staff in state-of-the-art facilities in both centres. Continuous monitoring is especially important in road traffic emergencies which may include internal injuries/ bleeding and fractured limbs, as well as other acute medical or surgical emergencies. Because we care, we recommend this dedicated 24/7 service.


After-hours during the week:

For emergencies that occur after-hours during the week

Massey University

Massey University Pet Emergency Centre will still take these cases.

They are located on the Massey University Palmerston North Campus, and can be contacted on 0800 738 363



After-hours during the weekend & public holidays:

For emergencies that occur after-hours during the weekend and public holidays

Totally Vets

Totally Vets Accident and Medical Centre will be the hub for these cases.

They are located at 25 Manchester Street, Fielding, and can be contacted on 06 324 0812

If you call us out of hours on the weekend, you can Push 5 when prompted to be redirected to the after-hours service.



Contact us:

Telephone 06 281 3157

Email us

170 Glasgow Street, Whanganui 4500

Clinic hours:

Monday - Friday: 8.00am – 5.30pm

Saturday: 9.00am – 12.30pm

Sunday & Public Holidays Closed

AFTER-HOURS EMERGENCIES: Our After-Hours service is provided by Massey University’s Pet Emergency Centre in Palmerston North during the week, and Totally Vets Accident and Medical Centre in Fielding during the weekends.


WEEKDAYS: Phone 0800 738 363  -  WEEKENDS & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: Phone (06) 324 0812

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170 Glasgow Street, Whanganui

Ph (06) 281 3157